Thursday 4 January 2018

Thinking too much causes me problems

 I've had a lot to think about today (04/01/2018

So this is how my day went today and problems I faced.

1-I have decided to sell a property and had to tell the tenants today. I wrote a letter and put through their door. They are lovely people so it was not nice to do.

2- I had a call from a guy who rents a garage from me. He tells me water is coming in.

3- I had a call from a guy who rents a unit(also a friend) hes fallen on hard times and cannot pay at the moment. 

4- I need to remortgage a house I let, by the end of the month . I received a text from my mortgage broker that he is on holiday until 15th of this month.

5- I've set some personal rules on share buying but there is one thing i missed out. The ex Dividend date. Well I've found some great companies that have a dividend date coming up but i have no funds this month available to purchase. This is a mistake i will not make next month on my next stock purchase.



As regards selling a property my reasons are pretty simple. Its a three bed property with about 50K equity I could cash tax free.  The property is aging and i have worked out that it has about 5 more years until major works are required: for example re-felting the flat roof and re- roofing the main roof.  I plan to cash in and use this money to buy another property that would give me similar rental. I would assume I will need to use up 30K for this. The 20K left i will use to purchase stocks.

I met the the guy who rents the garage today. Its seems the deep snow we had and the one thin wall allowed water to seep through. The solution was the the guy will apply some water sealant and i will pay for materials. I hope this works as he's a good tenant.

The unit rental is a good income and when i had the call i was gutted , not just because hes not paying but because he's a friend. This also puts me in the position that its hard for me to kick him out. Solution - No much i can do really, fortunately I owe no money on the property. I'll give him three / four months then approach him. In the past he has never let me down.

Remortgaging the property needs doing asap. Not much i can do until my guy comes back from his holidays. Though next months mortgage will be high and i'll just have to swallow it.

 Shares- As im looking at shares I save the good ones in a watch list. When my next funds are available i will check through and double check ex dividend date.

Conclusion - 

On one hand I've received alot of problems today but on the other I should come out smelling of roses. This months income is going to be much lower and next month will be awful; but once i survive these few months and by summer should be better off (fingers crossed)    ooow just learn't how to add links :) Forgive me on this being a basic site but i've never written a diary / blog before and everything is new.

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